Our organization

Note: All contact persons and communication data are listed in detail under contact.

The General Assembly is the highest body of the SAZ. It elects the executive board, appoints procect groups and meets at least once per year. Each ordinary member has voting rights at the general meeting.

The Executive Board, working in an honorary capacity, consists of three members and is elected by the General Assembly. It represents the SAZ in the public and coordinates the activities of the association.

The members of the Advisory Council are appointed by the Executive Board. The task of the four to six members is to support the Executive Board with important decisions made and to control the Executive Board as part of the Extended Board.

The Extended Board consists of the members of the Executive Board and of the Advisory Council.

The Managing Office is the centre of organisation and communication. Focus areas are the member administration, the internal and external communications including the provision of advice to members. A Consultant for intellectual property issues and public affairs supports the board and managing director in contractual issues and lobbying. Our legal advisor, a specialist lawyer for copyright, also assists us with legal issues.

The strength of the association is based on the commitment and action of as many members as possible. Active association life takes place in regional groups, in project groups and in digital formats. In Italy, SAZ-Italia is the first regional group outside Germany with many independent activities, SAZ Nederlands was set up in 2023.