German Game of the Year 2018: The Four Winners

The Spiel des Jahres jury announced its decisions for the Spiel des Jahres and the Kennerspiel des Jahres in Berlin.
The Spiel des Jahres award - with the target group "family" and recognizable by the red logo - went to:
- Azul by Michael Kiesling, Graphic: Chris Quilliams, Publisher: Next Move/Plan B Games, Distribution: Pegasus Games
The award Connoisseur Game of the Year - with the target group "experienced players" and recognizable by the grey logo - went to:
- The Quacksalbers of Quedlinburg by Wolfgang Warsch, Graphic: Dennis Lohausen, Publisher: Schmidt Spiele
A special prize of the Jury Game of the Year went to:
- Pandemic Legacy - Season 2 by Matt Leacock and Rob Daviau, graphics: Chris Quilliams, Atha Kanaani, Publisher: Z-Man Games, Distribution: Asmode
The Children's Game of the Year - recognizable by the blue logo - was already awarded in Hamburg on 11 June and went to:
- Funkelschatz of Lena and Günter Burkhardt, Graphic: Daniel Döbner, Publisher: Haba
Details on the award-winning games, the nominated games and the recommendation lists can be found on the website of the Jury Game of the Year.
The Spiel des Jahres jury also elected a new board in Berlin after the long-time chairman, Tom Felber, did not stand for re-election: The new chairman is Harald Schrapers, the new vice chairman is Harald Klein and as treasurer remains Udo Bartsch.